Recipes from traditional and also a bit innovative

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Sõir is known in Setu and Võru regions homemade cottage cheese. You can serve it just as a snack or cut for thin slices and put on the bred.
500g of curd
50g of butter
1l of milk
1 egg
1tsp cumin
1tsp of salt
Heat the milk to near boiling point and put in the curd and then heat more for 5 minutes until the milk curdles and separates the whey (greenish fluid). Pour mass to the sieve and drain properly. Pour mass back to the pot, add butter and mix. Add also the egg , salt and cumins and heat 3 minutes (do not boil). Put the sõir into the vessel which is covered with cling film and cover it also with cling film. Put it to the fridge and let it stay until next day.

1 comment:

LeilaHella said...

Tahtsin ühe väikese märkuse teha. Eestlase jaoks on sõnad "cumin", mis on väga sarnane "köömnele" ja "caraway" üks ja sama. Tegelikult on "caraway" sõna nende köömnete kohta, mida sõiras kasutatakse.

Avastasin selle hiljaaegu, tahtsin teada, mis vahe on cumini ja caraway vahel. ostsin mõlemaid ning maitsesin. cumini seemned on väga vänge maitsega ning neid tarvitatakse peamiselt Maroko köögis. caraway on need köömned, millega harjunud oleme.